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NG P-Fear Island PVP x5XPx7.5H/Tx20B
Rank 1710
Game Ark: Survival Evolved
Status Offline
Discord Click to join
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 82
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country United Kingdom
Types ModdedPvPSurvivalDedicatedChallenging
Owner NoobGamers

NoobGamers Community is a multinational community of gamers, with our servers based in the UK. We have a diversified gaming portfolio; from Ark to Minecraft, from World Of Tanks to Arma3 and more! We have a great friendly player base and a host of staff ready to help out whenever needed.
Mods required to play on the servers

»Primal Fear
»Primal Fear Ab Expansion
»Primal Fear Boss Expansion
»Primal Fear Genesis Expansion
»Primal Fear Tribute Mod
»Primal Fear Unofficial Dodo Expansion
»TC Auto Rewards
»Awesome Spy Glass
»Structures Plus
»Automated Ark Core V3
»Automated Ark Add-on: Automation
»Automated Ark Add-on: Baby Management
»Automated Ark Add-on: Gardening
»Automated Ark Add-on: Kitchen Appliances
»Automated Ark Add-on: Power Generation
»Automated Ark Add-on: Raiding Helpers

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