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Rank 2107
Game Minecraft PE
Status Offline
Discord Click to join
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 3
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country Canada
Owner Dingbobber33

* **Server Name**: TrueSurvivalPvP
* **Server Location**: Canada East Coast
* **Server Address**: port 19188
* **Version**: BEDROCK 1.14.2
* **Game Play Type/s**: [PvP][PvE]

* **Description**: NEW - currently recruiting. Griefing and raiding allowed. Spawn teleportation using snowballs, home Teleports available from admin (personal command block at spawn), currency system (vault), shops, spawners found and reported to admin will be placed at base and activated, discord, PvP arena, MORE TO COME - Come be one of the first!
* **Rules**: No hacking; No duping; No grieifing / lava casting spawn.
* **Owner/Admins/Moderators**: SirianSeer (Owner), Schloss08(admin)

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