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Rank 1248
Game Minecraft
Status Offline
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 0
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country United States
Version 1.16.5
Types SurvivalMCMMORanksLand ClaimAdventure
Owner AccioAce

Welcome To HomeLand, a non-grief survival!

HomeLand is a family-friendly simple survival community with a strong focus. We strive to provide everyone the best atmosphere and survival experience in our community. All staffs here are family-friendly and know what they are doing. If you like semi-vanilla this is the right server for you.

All grief can be rollback. We offer a feature that will automatically lock your doors, trapdoors, chests, furnaces, etc.

Voting for our community will get you closer to your next rank. Our voting ranks provide players extra homes, vault slots, and auction slots.

Our world border is 20,000 in a rectangular/square. There will be plenty of space in the world for you to explore around.

We are one of the first survival communities to update to the latest version.

List Of Features:
- Land Claiming
- Admin Shops
- Player Shops
- Keep Inventory
- Dynmap
- Marriage
- Crates
- Ranks
- Slimefun
- MyPet
- Quests
- Jobs
- Resource Worlds

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