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Rank 2322
Game Ark: Survival Evolved
Status Offline
Discord Click to join
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 1731
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country United States
Types PvEPvPModdedVote RewardsCommunity
Owner ThugNasty

♣♣♣ Fjordur is live! ♣♣♣

♣♣♣ Message ♣♣♣
If you are looking for an exciting mix of PVE and PVP, come checkout ThugsArk Cluster! We have 9 PVE maps and 3 PVP maps, all clustered together. The PVP maps have higher rates and better drops to encourage PVP. We have active admins willing to assist, and a vibrant community of active players. Come check us out!

Please keep in mind, once you attempt to join, your game will need to download all of the mods and this can take a while and multiple attempts of joining. This is Steam, not the servers in the cluster.

♣♣♣ Discord ♣♣♣
Join our discord for updates and more:

You can also use these clickable links to join the game directly:

Ragnarok - steam://connect/
Abberation - steam://connect/
The Center - steam://connect/

Island - steam://connect/
Crystal Isles - steam://connect/
Extinction - steam://connect/
Genesis - steam://connect/
Valguero - steam://connect/
Genesis 2 - steam://connect/
Scorched Earth - steam://connect/
Lost Island - steam://connect/
Fjordur - steam://connect/

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