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Rising Dragon
Rank 46
Game Minecraft
Status Online
Players 1/64
Votes 10
All-time Votes 3133
Uptime 100%
Last Check 5 minute(s) ago
Country United Kingdom
Version 1.21.4
Types SurvivalVanillaMCMMOEconomyRanks
Owner MrBirdy

Rising Dragon is a (greylisted) survival server. With some plugins like mcMMO, jobs(reborn), ChestShops, and NPCs. We welcome anyone who likes to play in an anti-grief and friendly environment.

The server is private owned with an open mindset towards feedback from you.
Feel free to look around, and if you wish to build let us know so we can promote you for free.
We got a discord that you can join, but that's completely up to you.

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