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Rank 400
Game Runescape
Discord Click to join
Votes 0
All-time Votes 330
Country United States
Version 317
Types Active Community
Owner korane

Introducing Koranes, a humble but impressive product that has undergone hundreds of hours of work. My inspiration was to create an experience unlike any other.

+ Pets with perks.
+ Group ironman.
+ Automatic tournaments throughout the day and night.
+ Active events every 30 mins.
+ Active wilderness events every 45 mins.
+ Chambers of Xeric.
+ Theatre of Blood.
+ The Nightmare of Ashihama.
+ The Inferno.
+ Pest Control.
+ Collection log.
+ Loot tables.
+ Trading post
+ Well of Good Will.
+ Perfected combat system for all pkers and pvmers.
+ Achievements to unlock items and titles and more.
+ Many Wild bosses for the best money making methods.

& so much more, join the grind.

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