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[EUGR] ZeusArk PvE Fjordur Hx5 XPx10 Tx5
Rank 2306
Game Ark: Survival Evolved
Status Offline
Discord Click to join
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 0
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country Greece
Types PvEModdedVote RewardsThird PersonFirst Person
Owner thomasi7

Server Settings: ► Taming x5 ► Harvesting x10 ► XP x10 ► 175 Player Levels + 60 Ascension + 10 Explorer Nodes + 5 Chibi ==> 250 total ► Max Dino lvl 200 ► Cluster wide Auction House ► Voting Rewards

► Auction House ► Nominal Structures 2.0 ► Awesome Spyglass! ► Dino Storage v2 ► Remove Cryopods ► Shiny!Dinos ► Castles, Keeps and Forts: Remastered ► Castles, Keeps and Forts: Science Fiction ► eco´s RP Decor ► eco´s Tek Decor ► eco´s Garden Decor ► eco´s Stables Structures & Decor ► eco´s ARRRRP Decor ►Structures Plus (S+) ►Wireless Generator ► Spoilers ►Better Beacons 2.0 ► Dino Tracker ► Ultra Stacks ► Classic Flyers ► Awesome SpyGlass! ► Engram Unlocker

Mod List
PvE - Server rules
All players are asked to follow our set of rules.
Depending on the violation players can be punished with the deletion of their structures/animals or a (temporary) suspension. In moderately severe cases we will also issue a warning. Players with two warnings will be permanently banned from our project.

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