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Primal Fury - Ragnarok
Rank 1879
Game Ark: Survival Evolved
Status Offline
Discord Click to join
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 0
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country United States
Types PvPModdedDedicatedLag FreeCommunity
Owner PrimalFuryPvP

Introducing an all-new, no-wipe ARK PvP cluster, PRIMAL FURY! Featuring 4 a map cluster; The Island, Ragnarok, Aberration, and Extinction for a classic-ish vibe. With boosted rates and all of those good mods/plugins to improve quality of life. More information is available on discord!

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