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WarefareFactions 1.7.10 - 1.15
Rank 2206
Game Minecraft
Status Offline
Discord Click to join
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 1
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country United Kingdom
Types FactionFaction PvPPvPRaidingMCMMO
Owner Wemngb


We offer a great service for anyone who wants to play a fair advantage server! Which means, it is not pay to win. Yes you heard me not pay to win! Also this server does not have a very unorganized chat (ie ranks with custom prefixes). As that is very disturbing for players who generally just want to play the server and have fun playing it. We are very short on staff with 1 Owner and 1 Admin but we do try out best, so that does mean we are taking applications for anyone who is interested... but do not just come on and apply at least try and show you're willing! The server is 1.7.10-1.15 but we recommend you use any 1.8 version as that is the most supported version. The server had 3 different type of boarders: Overworld boarder is 10,000 each way, Nether's boarder is 2,500 and the End's boarder is 3,500. I feel like this is very reasonable boarder as the Server is only small, as the server expands the boarder will do too. The server has a very high tick for fast farms, and fast farms means earning $$$$$$... I really hope to see you on this server and understand that this a Regular Factions server with a few twists and YOUR OPINION MATTERS!

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