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Rank 2376
Game Ark: Survival Ascended
Status Offline
Discord Click to join
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 17
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country United Kingdom
Owner UnityGamers

Welcome to Unity Gamers Community Ark Ascended server.
Our ASA server is PVE & contains mods.
Server info:
Max PLayers: 50
» x5 XP / H / T
» x20 Breeding
» x10 Special Events

Due to Ark Ascended not using the query port for dedicated/self hosting, the server may appear as 'Offline' in the server status section. The server is however always up and available to join.

Join our Discord for Ark updates & announcements, general chat, events & more:

To direct connect to the server, follow these steps:
1: Start Ark Survival Ascended, stay on the first page, after the opening video
2: press the ` key (the one under ESC) a.k.a Tilde key
3: Look at the very bottom of the can click in the command line section
4: type: open
5: add a space after 'open'
6: paste in the IP:Port number ( )
It should read like this - `open`
7: Press enter to connect to your game.

Wait approx. 30 seconds for the game to connect.

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