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EdgeGamers Minecraft
Rank 48
Game Minecraft
Status Online
Discord Click to join
Players 2/100
Votes 58
All-time Votes 586
Uptime 100%
Last Check 2 minute(s) ago
Country United States
Types SurvivalVanillaEconomyMCMMOSpigot
Owner EdgeGamers

The EdgeGamers Minecraft Server offers an immersive and feature-rich multiplayer survival experience that goes beyond the traditional Minecraft gameplay. Boasting a multi-server setup, it caters to a diverse community of players by providing a variety of engaging features and activities.

One of the standout aspects of the server is its well-balanced economy, facilitated by an admin shop and community chests, allowing players to trade and collaborate efficiently. The inclusion of crate keys and a mailroom adds an exciting element of surprise and interaction within the community.

For those seeking adrenaline-fueled challenges, the server provides a dedicated PvP arena where players can test their combat skills against each other. Additionally, the grief prevention feature ensures a secure and enjoyable environment for all players.

The server's commitment to enhancing gameplay is evident through various customization options. Players can explore, utilize elevator signs, and showcase their creativity with the heads database. The incorporation of McMMO introduces a skill-based progression system, adding depth to the overall experience.

Social interaction is encouraged through a range of features, including social commands, cosmetics, and mounts. Players can also express their individuality through special prefixes and enjoy unique abilities such as sitting on slabs, crawling, spinning, or even sitting o

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