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Explorer's Sanctum
Rank 1227
Game Minecraft
Status Offline
Discord Click to join
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 41
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country United States
Version 1.16.3
Types SurvivalPvPRPGEconomyAdventure
Owner SilveredDark

Welcome to the Last MMORPG in Minecraft you'll ever play!

Explorer's Sanctum

Notable Features:
- Quests
- Battle mobs, Help npc's, Find others, Escape from danger do it all!
- Classes
- 7 Total classes with more planned!
- Cleric, Enchanter, Mage, Marksman, Warrior, Rogue, Paladin
- Items with Stats
- New item locations, Gem slots, Special abilities, Random Stats
- Constant Giveaways
- Loot crate key giveaways, Streamer rewards, Occasional Contests
- Dungeons
- Explore the world and find them, or queue up with a party to tackle dangerous areas.
- Personal worlds
- Rent your own personal world, Configure basically everything about it!
- Plot worlds
- Build a protect house, farm, auto farmer, anything you want in this protected world!

Our staff is friendly and will try to help you solve your problem as best they can. Our Developers are constantly on the lookout for errors or problems to improve your play experience.

Overall if you are looking for an MMORPG type MineCraft experience, I hope you are willing to at least give us a shot!


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