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Minecraft Freedom
Rank 1463
Game Minecraft
Status Offline
Discord Click to join
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 1
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country United Kingdom
Types SurvivalEconomySpigotLand Claim
Owner mrdarlikjz

Bedrock :



Who are we?
Freedom MC is a upcoming SMP server that builds upon the foundation of vanilla,we have added the inclusion of a variety of plugins to enhance the experience, such as:
1 .)EssentialsX
2.)Land Claims
3.)Heads(During Combat with players or mobs, you get a chance of their head dropping)
4.)Dynmap(Allows for a live feed of the server map)
6.)Crate Plugin (This is exclusively for the vote keys we have)
7.)AAC (Premium Anticheat , powerful and efficient)

8.)GeyserMC(Enables CrossPlatform)

Java/Bedrock Crossplay:
We have enabled cross play between Java and Bedrock editions of Minecraft, tested and works efficiently on all platforms.

Balanced Economy:
We take server economy serious, we have a server market, in our castles courtyard (on the server) that allows you to purchase items or sell items to generate "£" revenue. We take inflation into account and we are considerable active maintaining and ensuring the economy can stay as balanced without damaging server integrity.


We offer up to 10000 starter land claim blocks, each hour earning you 1000 claim blocks


The server was created to as we recognised players shouldnt have to pay ranks to access unique abilities, we believe that players should earn privileges to unique commands or ranks.This is done via our frequent and varying events

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