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Realistic Combat Gaming Global
Rank 1715
Game Minecraft
Status Offline
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 0
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country United States
Version 1.15.2
Types TownyEconomyLand Claim
Owner DD617

RCG Global is a Geopolitical Minecraft server. Our mission is to give people the best experience.

What do you want from a geopolitical server? Warfare, an amazing towny experience, or just to have fun with your friends and make a cool base? Whatever you are looking for RCG Global can provide! RCG Global takes the best aspects of towny and the best aspects of a warfare server and combines them to make a perfectly balanced geopolitical server where you can come and chill or build up your town and nation and go to war with other nations. We offer a premium towny experience moderated and managed by an esteemed and caring staff team. Join us today at RCG Global and experience Geopolitical in a whole new way!

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