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[FR/EU] FrenchVi5ion PVPVE
Rank 2364
Game Rust
Status Offline
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Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 1
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country France
Owner RayVi5ion

Serveur FR/EU, Solo/Duo/Trio, Next Wipe 06/03
PVP de 18h à 9h ingame et H24 sous les domes
AntiOfflineRaid, Backpacks, BetterLoot, Blueprint Share, Bounty, Building Grades,
Clans, CupboardNoDecay, Duelist, Event Manager, Enhanced Hammer,
Flippable Turrets, Game Menu, Kill Streaks,
Laptop Crate Hack, Night Lantern, No Build On Road, NoEscape,
No Respawn Cooldowns, NTeleportation, Personal Heli, Player Report,
Quests, Recycle Blueprints, SecurityLights,ServerRewards, Sign Artist, Skins,
Sky Turrets, Sleep, Staff Roster, StructureRefund, Tickets,
VIP Trial, Wounded Screams, ZLevelsRemastered

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