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Banner | Server Info | |||
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Rank | Server | Players | Tags | |
Luffy Rust Texas USA 10x NoBP Kits Skins![]()
Luffy Rust is a community of friendly people who like to discover, build, make new friends and enjoy a hostile free environment. If you like PVP, we offer PvE events. Purge - day before wipe. PvP / Raiding allowed |
64/120 | KitsActive AdminFriendlyPVE10x Gather | |
Pleasant Valley Hybrid Monthly PVE/PVP![]()
PVE Server With PVP Zones/Bubbles 48 Hour Raid Protection After Logging Off Zombies At Monuments And Roaming Zombie Hordes 1x Loot PLUS zLevels For Increased Gathering 50% Decay |
24/150 | KitsModdedPVEPvPZombies | |
Pleasant Valley PVE Monthly Zombies![]()
PVE Server No Kill No Raid Zombies At Monuments And Roaming Zombie Hordes 1x Loot PLUS Skill Tree Clans, Quests, Kits, Vehicles, Backpacks, SkinBox, TP/Home, Rewards, Quarries, Store, Convoys, Personal Recyclers, and so much more! NPC Raid Bases Free VIP Increased Stacks Bases Are Purged After 7 Day |
5/150 | PVEKitsSkinsZombiesModded | |
Rusted Reality - Noob Friendly PvE![]()
Map: Procedural Map
Rusted Reality - Noob Friendly PvE - Skill Tree - Raidable Bases - No Racism - Inclusive Community - No Toxic BS - Friendly Admins - Drops - Discord - Come and join our awesome community. |
5/80 | PVEFriendlyVipVote RewardsKits | |
BURN ZOMBIE ISLAND PVE|5X|Raidable Bases![]()
Map: Boston
♣PVE + PVP Zones some EVENTS and nice Raidable Bases!♣ •A lot of Giveaways Win Supply Signals •Raid PVE and PVP Raidbases! •over 150+ RAIDABLE BASES(PVE+PVP) •Own Bradley and Heli SupplySignals 4 Level System Loot++ •PURGE TIME: Weekly or biweekly 24h before wipe! •NPC Bosses |
70/100 | KitsZombiesPVEInsta CraftPlugins | |
[ESP] HISPALAND [PVE] | [NO VIP] |![]() ESP HISPALAND [PVE] | [No VIP] Explora todo el juego, farmea y juega tranquilo, practica con los Bots en algunos monumentos, con los eventos PvP automáticos y BasesRaideables con loot custom (skins incluidas). Escucha tu emisora favorita mientras juegas. Cuidado con la noche pues alberga horrores. |
0 | PVEKitsModdedCustomVote Rewards | |
Rusty Chivalry Primitive |2x| Solo Duo![]()
Map: Procedural Map
Welcome to Rusty Chivalry Primitive | 2x | Solo/Duo Experience the best primitive 2x Rust gameplay on our well-balanced and competitive server. |
0/100 | PvPAirdrops2xDuoBetter Loot | |
RustMode | Vanilla+ PVE | Noob Friendly![]()
Map: Procedural Map
39/150 | VanillaPVEFriendlyActive AdminEvents | |
The Monster Den PVE|5x|Quad|Kits|Loot+|R![]()
Map: Custom Map
The Monster Den is a well-established online community known for its welcoming environment and proactive staff team. It aims to enhance player gaming experiences by providing Quality of Life improvements and unique Custom Maps to explore at your own pace. |
15/75 | PVEEventsVote RewardsKitsActive Admins | |
The Wilderness 2x | Vanilla | Solo Only![]()
Map: Procedural Map
Forge your path alone with a dynamic Rust Points (RP) economy, custom events, quality of life mods, and a friendly community. Survive the untamed wilderness - conquer the wild, or be conquered. Join now for a thrilling solo adventure! |
3/50 | SoloPvPActive Admins2xEconomy | |
Welcome To LuffyRust 3x PvP or PvE. We offer unique experience, where you can select to either do PvP or PvE Mode. |
2/50 | KitsPvPActive Admin3xPVE | |
RustPlay PVE![]()
Map: Procedural Map
12/300 | ModdedZombiesPVELevelsBetter Loot | |
RustPlay PVE/PVP-Zones![]()
Map: Procedural Map
23/420 | ModdedSkinsPVEZombiesLevels | |
The Clinic PVE |No Killing|PVE|Raiding -![]()
Map: Procedural Map
PVP/PVE Based Map for the vanilla feel - 2x Gather and Loot Rates - Higher stack sizes - Longer days & shorter nights - No VPN & proxies -Raidable PVE/PVP NPC Bases -Rotating PVP Monuments -Weekly Events -$$$ Giveaways -Kits/VIP -End of Wipe Purge Active Staff, Monitored by Owner |
6/300 | KitsActive AdminClansPVEVote Rewards | |
RustPlay - Build And Raiding Test Server![]()
Map: Procedural Map
4/200 | PVEModdedKitsCustomInsta Craft | |
RustPunch.Net PVE |10X|PVE|Kits|Skins|![]()
Map: Custom Map
8/50 | 10x GatherEconomyVote RewardsCustomActive Admins | |
ZOMBIE HELL|5X|Raid Bases|Skill Tree|Bet![]()
Map: Boston
•A lot of Giveaways Win Supply Signals •Raid PVE and PVP Raidbases! •over 150+ RAIDABLE BASES(PVE+PVP) •Own Bradley and Heli SupplySignals 4 Level System Loot++ •PURGE TIME: Weekly or biweekly 24h before wipe! •NPC Bosses |
9/80 | Better LootModdedZombiesInsta CraftPVE | |
Corn 2x Monthly | QUAD | No BP Wipes![]()
11/150 | KitsActive Admin2xVote RewardsEvents | |
GrimRust PVE x5 |RaidBases|Bosses|Skills![]()
Map: Radiant Peak
♛Designed Server from the Player for the Player♛ ☠️CUSTOM MAP: Helheim Island ✔️WIPE SHEDULER: BIWEEKLY (9-12 DAYS) ✔️GROUP LIMIT: 8 ✔️GATHER: 5X ✔️DISCORD: |
4/100 | KitsBetter LootZombiesPVEEconomy | |
Lazy Rusters II - 20x PvE![]()
Map: Forget the Grind
9/100 | Active AdminFriendlyModdedPVECustom | |
Papis Paradise PVE Zombies![]()
Map: Badlands: Fallout Map
The Best PVE Rust Server! |
11/50 | KitsFriendlyClansZombiesVote Rewards | |
Altopia PVE/PVP Biplanes Backpacks Kits![]()
Map: Procedural Map
Welcome to Altopia! We are a mostly PVE server with a partial PVP zone. Our admin staff have years experience in rust within PVE and PVP communities and work hard to provide a welcoming and friendly experience, free of toxicity. |
0/50 | KitsFriendlyModdedSkinsPVE | |
EndlessRust PVE/PVP-Zones TP|Skills|Kit![]()
Map: Procedural Map
About Us Greetings, Rust survivors! Step into the immersive world of EndlessRust, where the environment is your greatest adversary. Our PVE/PVP server offers a unique Rust experience, focused on collaboration, exploration, and epic adventures. |
3/150 | FriendlyLevelsModdedEconomyPVE | |
Map: Procedural Map
Die Zeit ist reif für eine neue Ära von Rust-Spielern. Sei dabei und spiel mit uns! Wir sind ein anfängerfreundlicher PvE-Server für RUST. Bei uns findest du neben Zombies, Satelliten, Zügen, Skins und Raid Bases auch noch andere nette Dinge. Genauere Infos erfährst du auf dieser Webseite. |
0/100 | VipSkinsVote RewardsPVEZombies | |
SweRust PvE![]()
Map: SweRust Custom Map
A new way to experience Rust in PvE! |
1/50 | Active AdminVote RewardsEventsPVEPlugins | |