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ZOMBIE HELL|5X|Raid Bases|Skill Tree|Bet | |
Rank | 40 |
Game | Rust |
Status | Online |
IP | |
Website | |
Discord | Click to join |
Players | 10/80 |
Votes | 94 |
All-time Votes | 2709 |
Uptime | 100% |
Last Check | 4 minute(s) ago |
Country | Germany |
Types | Better LootModdedZombiesInsta CraftPVE |
Owner | m3dus4 |
•Daily KITS:
Free SupplySignal, Starter- Builder- and Raidkits!
•EACH Monument with NPC
•Crate Drops
•very Quick Supply Signals
•Level System on Farming up to lvl 25
•Our RP Server used Skilltree to lvl Uop your Character and get instant Buffs. :)
For the Important Plugins we have under /info -> a lot of Commands for you that makes your Live so much easier. :)
•Backpacks •BetterLoot •BGrade •Clans(/clan with GUI)
•ColouredChat •DangerousTreasures •Recycler•Instacraft
•Remover Tool •AdobeSkins •FurnanceSplitter •Shop •LootProtection
•Minicopter •PlayerChallenges(Get your Own Server Rank! /pc)•SignArtist
•RecyclerSpeed(Speed x10) •QuickSmelt(x100)
•RaidableBases •RemoverTool •Skinbox •StackSizeController
•TownTeleport •VehicleDecayProtection •ZLevel •ZombieHorde
and MUCH more!