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Altopia PVE/PVP Biplanes Backpacks Kits
Rank 48
Game Rust
Status Online
Discord Click to join
Players 0/50
Votes 31
All-time Votes 4059
Uptime 100%
Last Check 4 minute(s) ago
Country United States
Types KitsFriendlyModdedSkinsPVE
Owner Altopian

We are a PVE server with a PVP section for those who want to scratch that PVP itch now and then. Modded vanilla experience with quality of life enhancements for players like increased stack sizes, kits, backpacks and more. Raidable Bases are always up and special events rotate monthly based on player votes. Friendly and active admins, discord for the server and a helpful community for new and experienced Rust players alike!

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