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Luffy Rust Texas USA 10x NoBP Kits Skins
Rank 8
Game Rust
Status Online
Discord Click to join
Players 31/70
Votes 462
All-time Votes 9023
Uptime 100%
Last Check 5 minute(s) ago
Country United States
Types KitsActive AdminFriendlyPVE10x Gather
Owner MrLiquid

Luffy Rust Texas USA - Noob Friendly Community.

Purge - day before wipe. PvP / Raiding allowed

Luffy Rust is a community of friendly people who like to discover, build,
make new friends and enjoy a hostile free environment.

If you like PVP, we offer PvE zones with;
· Raidable Bases - Easy, Medium, Hard, Expert and Nightmare levels
over 530 bases to challenge you!
· Skill Tree Cooking Epic Loot and Random Traders
· Abandoned Bases - Raid bases that players have left abandoned, Keep what you find.
· Armored Train - various above and under ground armored trains to challenge you!.
· Airfield event - 4 crates, 4 hackable crates and lots of npc's.
· Sputnik, Paintball. DropFloors, Convoy & F15 Jets events!

Boasting over 9500+ skins available to players for FREE.

Now offering On-Call Attack Heli and Bradley
Easy, Medium, Hard and Elite!
Lets see how good you are!

· 10X Loot+ | PvE | NoBP | Skins | Kits | Backpacks | MyMini | Noob Friendly Community

· Refer-4-Reward - Bring your friends to play and everyone gets rewarded!

· Vote daily to get great rewards and levels /vote

· Use /info to learn all about Luffy Rust and commands

· In-game /shop to buy all your goodies.

· To help you get started try /kit

· Join Discord

· Luffy Rust Website or Shop

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