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Rusty Shadows 5X!
Rank 2074
Game Rust
Status Offline
Discord Click to join
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 430
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country United States
Types PvPKitsActive AdminsBetter LootVote Rewards
Owner WavyDankk

Rusty Shadows Server Rules!
Chat Rules
- No Racism
- No Bigotry
- No Spam
- DOX Threats
- DDoS Threats

Game Rules
- No Cheating / Scripting
- No Exploiting
- No EAC or VAC bans within the last 365 days
- No more than 1 lifetime VAC or EAC ban

Staff and Player Disrespect
This is an online game and there will ALWAYS be trash talk going on. We get it. However, that doesn't mean you get to leave all of your morals at the door. Use common sense and do not go after other players or admins with personal attacks. You will be removed.

If your friend broke the rules and was punished for it, don't try to argue with an admin about our decision. Go find a new server and accept the consequences for your actions.

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