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Rank 527
Game Minecraft
Status Online
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Players 0/100
Votes 0
All-time Votes 21
Uptime 100%
Last Check 4 minute(s) ago
Country United States
Types TownyLand ClaimPvPMCMMORaiding

Zenith is a Towny War server with a large focus on roleplay and worldbuilding through player made history. Because of this we have significantly changed many of the core features of Towny to meet our needs of a complete immersion but with many of the familiar basic towny commands. To give players more control of the world we added cannons, catapults, ballistas, advanced horse combat, religion & gods, and realistic farming. In addition, there is a unique leveling system that encourages competition between players, and rewards players with cosmetic items for being in a higher level. We also have a custom map with many additions (like different ore rates in different regions with many unique landmarks) and many quality-of-life features to the world like the ability to sit down, sell items in an auction house, balancing many materials, player shops, server sleeping system, and jobs. There are many more features that add realism to the server, but to see the rest you should come check it out!

Thank you for reading this, and we hope that you join!

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