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Rank 700
Game Ark: Survival Evolved
Status Offline
Discord Click to join
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 1760
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country United Kingdom
Types PvPVote RewardsThird PersonChallengingModded
Owner wacho4583

Ark Upside Down, the n°1 No Wipe PVP Cluster

Ark Upside Down is launching a new 6-man no-wipe PVP cluster ALL MAPS, This is your chance to be competitive RIGHT FROM THE START by joining on today

Fjordur will be the first map to launch, and we will be releasing 1-2 maps per week, order based on community voting until all the maps are available!

Experience - 10x
Mating Interval - 0.5 (8-24hr cd)
Mating Speed - 10x
Egg Hatch Speed - 25x
Baby Mature Speed - 10x
Taming - 15x
Harvest - 5x

- NO WIPES so all of your hard work is always safe and secure
- Balanced ORP so your base is safe when you log out
- New Player Protection , iff needed can get extra
- Cave and map changes to balance base locations
- 6 Player Tribes
- Tribes limited to 3 "Alpha Locations" so everyone has a chance to get a good base spot
- Lots of PVP balance changes to give everyone a great PVP experience no matter the skill level
- Active and impartial admins
- Custom shop with an in-game UI (F1) and an online store
- Boosted weight, slightly boosted melee, slightly boosted torpor
- Tons of Quality of Life plug-ins and mods (S+, Binocs, Turret filler, Solo farm and many more)
- Tribute + Element transfers
- Dino balance for PVP
- Discord

Join us today for the best ark experience you've had yet!

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