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Rank 459
Game Runescape
Discord Click to join
Votes 0
All-time Votes 3
Country United States
Version 718742
Types GamblingGrand ExchangeActive StaffCustom Content
Owner runixscape@gmail

Dedication to our players is our top priority The development team is constantly creating new updates, but unlike other RSPSs, RunixScapes developers will take advice from players and make updates based on that. Dont believe it Visit our Wiki or contact the support team. Halo and Skyrim Items Halo Warthog Turns you into a warthog Specialized Tokhaar-Kals Tokhaar-Kal-Xil Ranged50 Ranged Attack bonus Tokhaar-Kal-Mej Magic50 Magic, 30 Damage Runescapes Community is constantly changing. We get heaps of new players daily, monthly, and even annually. The player base is very good, and there will always be new people playing to enjoy the fun with Dont be selfish, advertise for RunixScape on other RSPSs and bring the players to us The whole community deserves it. Battlefield You capture the flag in a snowy instance Ice Minigame You get to the finish while avoiding snow and puddles Shooting Stars Weekly Circus Fight Kiln Fight Caves Clan Wars Barrows Dominion Tower Crucible Zombie Onslaught RunixScape, 1 RSPS There are 4,094 accounts created and 662 players online Double EXP is Active all weekend. Double Vote Rewards are Active all weekend. Double PK Rewards are Active all weekend. Double Drop rate is Active all weekend.

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