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The HighCraft Network
Rank 2301
Game Minecraft
Status Offline
Discord Click to join
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 0
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country United States
Version 1.15.2
Types SurvivalMinigamesNetworkMCMMOTowny
Owner Z1ncZn

Welcome to The HighCraft Network

Server Ip:

A Super Unique Minecraft Survival Server!

We strive to ensure that you're always having a great time!

How HighCraft Came To Be?

While my friend and I were playing on other Minecraft servers we had always come across the same issues time and time again. Unsupportive staff, Rude players, and most of all, INACTIVE OWNERS! We wanted to play on a server where the developers were constantly updating and improving plugins in order to keep server life interesting and fresh! So that's exactly what we did! We bring you

The HighCraft Network

We've combined our ideas into one strategic, enjoyable, addictive experience! All of our staff PLAY with our members on a regular basis. We want to enjoy the experience with you! Doing this we've managed to squash any bugs that have come our way thanks to the constant support of the community! Which is made up of a diverse group of players from all parts of the Planet! It is a truly unforgettable experience!

We've Installed countless plugins to help make sure you'll always have something to do! Got a suggestion? We're happy to hear you out!

McMMO, Slimefun, Jobs, Towny, Crates, Votepartys, ChatReaction, MiniGames & more!

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