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Rusty Designers EU
Rank 1809
Game Rust
Status Offline
Discord Click to join
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 3
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country France
Types PvPKitsActive AdminsSkinsModded
Owner RustyDesigners is a competitive, yet fun, PvP server with lots of perks for free players, VIPs and Discord Boosters!



• x1000000 gather rate
• x1000000 item stacking
• Playtime ranks, get yourself free ranks.
• Bonus loadout save features for VIPs.
• Skinbox for all players.
• MyMini for all players.
• Voting rewards (/vote).
• Discord rewards (/discord).
• Steam group rewards (/kit steam).
• No safezones.
• Outpost and Bandit spawns.
• Custom points system.
• Custom shop to spend points (/shop).
• Custom leaderboard (/leaderboard).
• KDR on-screen UI.
• Custom HUD.
• Player reporting (/report).
• All blueprints automatically unlocked.
• Clans (/clan, /cmenu).
• Teams (/team).
• Homes menu (/home, /sethome).
• Teleportation (/tpr, /tpb).
• Player trading (/trade).
• Private messaging system (/pm).
• Constant day time.
• Weather or time change (/env).
• Door & lock automatic authorisation.
• Automatic code lock entering.
• Spawn set kit.
• Custom kits.
• Building removal tool.
• Automatic upgrading.
• No need for workbenches.
• Furnace splitter.
• Quick smelt.

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