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AlcatRust | AlphaLoot | x5 | And More
Rank 293
Game Rust
Status Online
Discord Click to join
Players 0/50
Votes 0
All-time Votes 21
Uptime 99.4%
Last Check 2 minute(s) ago
Country Germany
Types Better LootEventsClans10x GatherPvP
Owner phlexs

Welcome On AlcatRust!
Server Info:
Gather: x5
Loot: AlphaLoot / Custom
St ackSize: 100.000
PvP: True
QuickSmelt: True
Homes: 6
Teleports: Unlimited
A irdrops: Needed 2 Players
Auto-Restart 04:00 AM (CET)
NoobProtection: 3 Hours
BuriedTreasure, PilotEject, PlaneCrash And TreasureBox.
BotSpawn, Shop, ClansGUI, HomeGUI, TeleportGUI, FriendsGUI, DynamicCupShare,
AutoCodeLock, Remove, Earthquake, Airstrikes, RustNet (AutoTurret, BountyNET,
AutomatedSearchLights, RocketTurrets), Ranks, BoatCommander, Kits,
SkyFall, Rewards, InfoPa nel, DeathNotes, DeathMarker, Sharks, NoobProtection And More..

Have A Nice Game And Play Fair.

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