Be sure to join our Discord server for website support, updates, chat with other like-minded gamers like yourself and more!

Rank 1982
Game Rust
Status Offline
Discord Click to join
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 0
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country United Kingdom
Types PvPWipeKitsTrioModded
Owner ZookeMike

Welcome to SupremaZ Rust
SupremaZ is a gaming community with servers on both rust and dayz and forever expansion to give the best experience to all new and experienced players. Joining our community is one very easy step away and you can enter daily giveaways and more within our community. If you want to join our rust server check out the information below.

How do I join the server?
Website: (Currently under construction)

Our Features
- Active community with friendly admins and players in general
- Daily Giveaways for free in game items
- Ability to earn in game cash for free and use for rewards such as gaining access to our premium memberships for just playing our game
- Increase Loot, 5x gathering and resources and many more increase looting aspects with a full custom loot table
- Premium plugins such as Skinbox, AbsolutSorter,Shop by mevent and many more
- Rewards for voting on our server
- Kits
- Reward system for purchasing custom commands and more
- Backpacks
- Many more mods and features available Join now to see them all!
- Events and fun activities to earn cash and items in game

Join SupremaZ Now and an exclusive 15% discount on our store and more!

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