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Rank 871
Game Rust
Status Offline
Discord Click to join
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 29
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country United States
Types KitsLootPvPFriendly
Owner cupsohjoe

Builds & BP wipe on 1st Thursday of each Month (Force Wipe)

☆ Friendly Atmosphere ★ Raidable Bases (Sky Bases)
☆ Teammates Auto Auth on TC/Locks/Turrets ★ Furnace Filler
☆ Bosses and NPCs Roaming ★ Home/Warps ★ Auto Upgrade/Repair
☆ Advanced Skinning ★ Non Pay-to-win Kits ★ Remover Tool
☆ Skill Tree w/Prestige System ★ Epic Items ★ Backpacks ★ Shop
☆ Lockable Deployables and Vehicles (No Decay on latter)
☆ 11 Events ★ Free 1 hour VIP ★ Personal Recyclers in Shop
☆ Test Generators in the loot table and Shop ★ Water Bases
☆ Junk Removed ★ VIP Available on Website ★ Increased Stacks
☆ Plus Much Much More ...

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