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The Earth Apocalypse • 1.5X • Trio
Rank 2031
Game Rust
Status Offline
Discord Click to join
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 263
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country Germany
Types TrioActive AdminsPluginsVote RewardsSkins
Owner CarbonVanilla

»Server Details«
• Biweekly Map & BP Wipes
• Daily Server Restart at 4AM UTC
• Map Size: 5800m (Ocean) Terrain equal to 3500m
• Type /commands in chat to display all server commands

• 1.5x Gather/Pickup on Resources except Sulfur
• 2x Loot Multiplier on Ammunition, Components, Food, Medical & Scrap
• Optimised Stack Sizes
• 50% Upkeep Costs TC/Base
• Clans Plugin with UI
• SkinBox Plugin
• Faster Recycler & available at all Vanilla Monuments
• Accurate & faster Supply Drops
• Increased Workbench Range (TC Radius)
• Increased Boat spawns
• Minicopters spawn on roads

»Team Rules«
• Solo/Duo/Trio only. Max. team size is 3 players (including sleepers)
• Max. 3 players authed on TC and Codelock
• Max. 3 player per base
• No building close to friends
• Do not assist your neighbours
• No alliances or slaves
• No roaming or raiding together with someone not in your team

» Monuments «
✓ Giant Excavator ✓ Launch Site ✓ Harbor ✓ Dome ✓ Super Market ✓ Lighthouse ✓ Military Tunnel ✓ Large Oil Rig ✓ Underwater Labs ✓ Abandoned Military Base ✓ Arctic Research Base
» Custom Monuments «
✓ World Trade Center ✓ Installation 07 ✓ AC-130 Hangar ✓ Infected Scientist Bunker ✓ The Golden Gatebridge ✓ Marianas Trench ✓ Ruined City ✓ Comm. Station ✓ Hoover Dam ✓ AC-130 Crash Site ✓ Sea Safezone ✓ Secrets & More

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