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Rusty Mosin - US Vanilla | Shared BPS
Rank 2024
Game Rust
Status Offline
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 5
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country United States
Types PvPFriendlyActive AdminBetter LootClans
Owner AMightyTank

Welcome to the dynamic world of Rusty Mosin, a server that emerged on the gaming horizon just on the 12th of December. The brainchild of AMightyTank, BasedGod, and PapaChef, our goal is to offer a fun and engaging space for players like you—making each day in our community an exciting adventure.

Main features
✦ 5x Stack Sizes/Smelt
✦ NPCs Chance Drop Their Weapons
✦ Faster Smelting
✦ Team/Clan Shared BP
✦ Long-day & Shorter-night
✦ Team Limit: 5
✦ BP Wipe: Monthly
✦ Map Wipe: Monthly
✦ Active Playing Admins
✦ NPC Raidable bases
✦ Custom NPCs
✦ Rewards for voting
✦ VIPs/MVPs for players who support the server, including queue bypass
✦ Voyager/Disciple/Devoted/Rugged playtime ranks for everyone based on their total playtime with monthly rewards

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