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The Salt Mines | 2x | Solo Only |
Rank 276
Game Rust
Status Online
Discord Click to join
Players 1/150
Votes 0
All-time Votes 8
Uptime 100%
Last Check 2 minute(s) ago
Country United States
Types PvPSoloAnti Cheat2xBetter Loot
Owner et3rn47

Solo PvP server

Airfield Event
Raid Alarm
Play Time Rewards (VIP 1 available)
Minis on Roads
Gas Station Event
Heavy Cargo
Static Lootables
Extended Workbench
Monument Recylers
Better Chat

Discord chat
VIP items:
Skin controller
Quick Smelt
Sign Artist
Personal Recycler
Auto Base Upgrade
Custom VIP kits

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