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Rustology HC Survival 3x |PVE|NPC|Zombie
Rank 61
Game Rust
Status Online
Discord Click to join
Players 5/300
Votes 20
All-time Votes 636
Uptime 100%
Last Check 2 minute(s) ago
Country United States
Types PVEModdedActive AdminsZombiesEvents
Owner AimZ

PVE server with a challenge!

Modified gathering rates 3X

We are a friendly community of players that enjoy the grind of Rust.

Server Features:
- Custom NPCs at monument and Zombies roaming the map. Over 1000 NPCs combined!
- Quests Plugin with plenty of quests easy and hard to earn items and XP!
- Skill Tree Plugin: Default and custom skills to learn that will help you enjoy your time here!
- NPC Raid Bases: New bases added regularly
- VIP Perks can be earned by levelling and stat leaderboards.
- Random NPC Raids (must be online to trigger)
- Events:
- Arctic Base
- Gas Station
- Submarine
- Water Treatment
- Train Yard
- Convoy
- Sputnik
- Junkyard
- Oil Rig
- Dangerous Treasure
- Guarded Crate
- NPC Tugboats
- Launch Site

All events and NPCs have been modified to follow the theme of the server.

Come enjoy an amazing hardcore experience with an amazing community.

All player experience levels welcome!

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