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ITF Zombified
Rank 1269
Game Rust
Status Offline
Discord Click to join
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 136
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country United States
Types EventsSkinsPVEZombiesModded
Owner xdeified

● Map size: 4000
● Many events throughout the day to keep things interesting
● Monthly map & BP wipe
● Hostile NPCs at monuments, wandering zombies, and zombies during the night
● Reduced decay to 50%
● Auto purge if inactive for 7 days
● Minicopters and scrap helicopters spawn on the road
● Player placeable quarries and pumpjacks

● Raidable bases and Dangerous Treasures
● Economics - Custom currency used for in-game shop items and custom commands
● JetPacks/Biplanes – Additional options for player controlled transportations
● NPC Raiders - Call in an event for NPCs to try to raid your base
● Water Bases - Allows for water-base builds with water foundation pieces
● Remover tool - Use a salvage hammer to destroy building blocks or recover deployables
● Zlevels - Level up skills for increased gathering (up to 250%)
● Skinbox - Allows to change the skin of skinnable items
● Sign Artist - Loads images to signs by URLs
● Backpack - An additional inventory for storage
● Events – Such as a Convoy and Harbor Event
● Rewards - Earn rewards for killing NPCs

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