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ButtHurt 30x Pve
Rank 940
Game Rust
Status Offline
Discord Click to join
Players 0
Votes 0
All-time Votes 38
Uptime 0%
Last Check Auto server checking is disabled. Server has been offline for over a month. Server owner must manually enable!
Country United States
Types WipeKitsActive AdminVipPVE
Owner ButtHurt

May Map Is Destroyed World.
30X True PVE Server!
Force wipe only.
Next Wipe June 1st 2023
Purge 72hrs before Wipe
Strike Call / Jets Airborn

Coming Soon Bi Weekly

Better loot tables,
Heli Refuel,
Jets Fly By,
Bradly Tiers,
Military Air Field Event.
Call your Own Plane Crash,
Repair base,
Tiers for Vip,
Weapons Tiers
Over 115 Plugins.
Come Check it out.
VIP Giveaway in game.
As well TP to Outpost and Bandit,
Can also set tp to home base and More……
*Keep Backpack Every other Month*
Map is Kept for two Month Back Pack are kept during that map.
Relax and enjoy playing a TruePVE Server. NoN Toxic and Fun!

Discord address:
ButtHurt Server Ip is

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